Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What is my meaning in life? My meaning in life is to change the world one person at a time. Why is my meaning in life to affect change in those around me? The reason I live and breathe is so I can try and make the world a better place. Although I do not know everyone in the world I do believe in the concept of six degrees of separation, so if change six people it will eventually affect the world. I live to make those around me smile. If at the end of the day I can make those around me breathe a little lighter than I have justification for my existence. I have persevered through trial and tribulations and I feel I am supposed to use my life as an example. It is like Viktor E. Frankl said in “Man’s Search for Meaning(2)” about how “‘optimism’ for our future may flow from the lessons learned from our ‘tragic’ past”. It is saying that use the tragedies of your life to show the next generation what not to do. It is also about coming to terms with the horrors in your life and seeking redemption from them. I use the mistakes I have had in my youth to show my nieces and nephews what they should never take part in. I show those of the next generation that the most important thing you can be is yourselves, not what someone else wants you to be. I have become more about what is going on around me than inside of me. I am this way because I am content with myself as a person. I am the way I am because this is how I would want the entire world to be, it is like Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I find many reasons for my life to continue, such as: raising my brother children, taking care of my mother, and being the rock for all of my loved ones. I find that my main reason for living is so that I can make the world just a little better than it was when I entered it. I hope to affect people deep enough to make them want to go out the make the world a better place. I aspire to give positivity to children that I never had. In the end the only reason for my existence is to change the world enough to where I will not be forgotten.

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